Growing & learning…. together for good.

Food insecurity threatens the quality of life for so many children and families. Homeless families are among those most threatened in our community.


Through the UBH FARM Program, we provide fresh produce to homeless families in conjunction with key curriculum to support mental and physical health and wellbeing. Our FARM Program creates an opportunity for families to engage with nature while learning together with our community.


Learning how to take care of ourselves and each other makes a difference.

Our FARM program brings years of experience to homeless families and the community, teaching us how to heal ourselves and our families. We’re results driven, passionate and have fun engaging with nature while we do it.


Ready to join in and make a difference?

Whether your’e most comfortable contributing time to help achieve our advocacy goals, money to help us grow, or energy to enlist others to join, we need you on our team.

Let’s meet up in real life to share in the beauty of nature and learning on our Farm.


Sign up to be the first to know about our volunteer opportunities and events.